Hey hey hey, it’s the first regular update! Welcome to all of our new members joining us for the first time. year. If you are relatively new to riding bikes in a club setting, we recommend coming to the early season riding clinics prior to coming out to our group rides. Let’s roll through the updates shall we?

Club Updates:

  1. All day-to-day club communication takes place on slack - you can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1t5qvezds-JotWB~e_EJcXrD9NArQarA on slack you can find out about upcoming events, access various chat areas and hang out with other club members! 

  2. As a reminder, all rides and ride planning takes place on strava. Don’t know what that is? Learn more here: https://www.ertc.org/joining-strava if you know what that is, then the link to our strava is here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/ertc - you will need to ask to join and I will let you in once I cross reference you with the membership list. It is highly recommended that you RSVP on strava so that we can plan for an appropriate amount of ride leaders and a suitable route for the group size. 

  3. Our skills clinics start April 25 and take place at the Research Park near South Common, temperature, weather and road condition pending. These clinics will go over basic bike maintenance and skills, as well as essential group riding skills and are recommended for all members to attend. The RSVP to the ride is on strava. 

  4. The latest WoERTC Update is here: https://www.ertc.org/news/2023/4/10/woertc-2023-season-kick-off you should have received this as a separate email if you checked off the option on your registration, however if you haven’t let Tiffany or I know and we will make sure you get included. If you have anyone in your life you think would be a good fit, you can point them here: https://www.ertc.org/women to learn more. 

  5. Training Camp is in Penticton right now, check out this photo from the folks that are there right now!

Ride Updates:

  1. There will be hills tomorrow. We are meeting at the Muttart Conservatory Parking Lot at 6:00. We will be doing reverse hills for a couple of weeks as the only option until the multi-use paths are clear. For the next few years, Hawrelak Park will be under construction and inaccessible for us to use. We will be trialling different route options as time continues. For this ride we will call it “un-official” as there may or may not be a route leader the entire time, or ridable hills due to ice or gravel or road closures we didn’t know about. RSVP on strava.

  2. The first official WoERTC ride is on Monday, April 17. (Weather, Road Condition, Temperature dependent, of course) 

  3. Keep your eyes peeled for rides that happen this weekend via slack. Due to the nice weather, there will likely be people headed out.