Hey everyone! Greetings from not Edmonton ;) This will be the final email for the 2022 mailing list so if you want to stay subscribed with updates and happenings, please sign up. 

  1. Signups are now open (and working!) over at https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=30802 The fee is now $125 for the year. I would definitely sign up prior to the riding season start as we are having some events prior to the start of the season that you don’t want to miss out on! 

  2. Speaking of social events, let us know what you want to see in 2023! Here is a poll: https://forms.gle/rbhkfAYPqR9jCnBG6

  3. The Rogelli webstore is live and always open 24/7. CHECK OUT THE ROGELLI WEBSTORE HERE: https://www.rogellicanada.com/ertc This means orders will be taken all year round with three order cut-off periods during the year- Jan 30th, April 30th and June 30th.  These dates were arranged to ensure clothing orders will arrive around the spring, summer, and fall riding seasons. For example: orders placed within the Jan 30th webstore cut-off date would arrive at your door in early April.  Rogelli has indicated that sourcing of inputs and production turnaround time has improved to approximately 8 weeks from order cut-off.  So the April cut-off would arrive in June and June cut-off would arrive in September, etc.

    Note: a minimum of 10 items is needed at each cut-off date for the clothing orders to be submitted to production (excluding base layers and hoodies). If there are less than 10 items, then these outstanding items will be carried forward to the next cut-off date so the minimum order limit of 10 items can be reached.

  4. We also have all of our float inventory available for immediate purchase on the ETRC site here: http://www.ertc.org/teamkit Place and pay for an order on our site with immediate curbside pick-up of bibs, jerseys and accessories at Michael’s place in Bonnie Doon. He will contact you when you place an order. DM him if you don’t hear from him.

New Slack Rules 

Hey everyone, in order to better utilise slack, we will be instituting new rules to keep it organized and easy to use. 

  1. Anyone may make a post in any channel other than #announcements 

  2. All replies to top level posts MUST be replies. This may be relaxed in less busy channels or the banter channels but for default channels will be enforced fully. 

  3. Any replies that are not will be deleted, regardless of content. We may choose to inform you that your reply was deleted, or post for you in a thread. 

  4. Please be kind and respectful to your fellow cyclists and friends. We’ve chosen to be somewhat vague about this because context matters. 

  5. Swearing in the General channel is discouraged. This is where members come to get information on rides and club happenings. 

  6. This will be effective immediately. 

Remember to join slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1nbaif110-O06ZlscJLVacJrOJI9TxXg