Emergency Response Plan

All volunteers form our emergency response plan. All volunteers will have a radio provided by the ABA. We will be using Channel 2.

If you observe an incident:

  • You may leave your post and go to the injured.

  • If the rider cannot safely move under their own power:

    • Call 911. State you are at the Capilano Park, the address Capilano Park Rd NW, Edmonton, AB T6A 3R7

    • Tell them there will be someone meeting them there to direct them to the exact position.

    • Radio me or Evan. Let us know where you are on course. We will come to you to confirm your location. Ensure that racers are aware that there is someone injured.

    • If they are mid course and it is determined is unsafe to continue with the race, Evan or I will notify the commissaires to stop the race.

    • Evan or I will wait for the Ambulance and direct them to the closest place where they can park and attend to the injured.

    • Do not leave the injured. Evan or I will do our best to fill your position while you wait with them. Do not worry about your post.

  • If they can move safely under their own power:

    • Direct them to the first aid area which will be near the beer gardens and team tents. They may choose to finish the race or abandon.

    • Radio me or Evan to let us know someone will be coming by first aid.

    • You may return to your post.

Volunteer Descriptions

All volunteers meet in the staging area where the tents are. Review the map and detailed event description in the tech guide here: https://www.ertc.org/soc Check in 30 minutes before your shift in the food / beer garden area. All volunteers will have breakfast and/or lunch provided.

First Aiders: You will be tending to minor injuries using the provided first aid kit. You will be stationed in the central area and you will not move. People will come to you for treatment. Provide treatment within your scope. If you feel like the severity of the injury is out of the scope of first aid, ask if they want an ambulance to be called. If so, follow above.

Volunteer Director: You will assist the Race director with ensuring that all marshal positions are staffed and if someone needs to go for a break that their position is covered.

Food Pickup (Snacks): You will be going to Costco (or bulk snack place of your choice) to pick-up snacks and drinks. Get cookies, granola bars, water, carbonated water (Bubly), soft drinks, chips, etc. Please be at the course with the snacks. Please send me an email with all your expenses and an e-transfer email. You are able to race AM or PM.

Food Pickup (Sandwiches): Ordered at Costco, you are picking up croissant sandwiches, you will need to call at least 24 hours ahead to order sandwiches. If you cannot store them overnight, it is recommended that you order them and pick them up the morning of the race. Please be at the course by 8am with the food. Please send me an email with all your expenses and an e-transfer email. You are able to race AM or PM.

Course Marshals: As of writing your station has not been determined yet. They will be determined Sunday morning upon review of the course. You are able to race when it is not your shift.


Your duties are in order of importance:

  • You are the first link in notifying us in the event of an incident. See above.

  • Your second duty is to temporarily stop other park users from interfering with the race in crossing areas (usually trails, etc.)

  • Your 3rd duty is to encourage or heckle the living daylight out of racers.

  • Radio in if you need a break, we will send someone to relieve you, so you may relieve yourself.

Extra Bodies: There are a variety of jobs that do not need constant attendance. Come to Albert or the Co-Race Director when you arrive on site. You are able to race when it is not your shift.

They include:

  • $5 handup giver - yup, give out $5 bills during the race. Choose spots where racers would have to make difficult decisions to get the money. Or don’t. Your call.

  • Beer garden / post race snack attendant - take money, work the point of sale system, be the bringer of happiness. You may not partake if you are the attendant.

  • Temporary course marshal - if marshals are attending to injured or need breaks, you fill in.

  • Course Repair - fix barriers and tape where people have gone through the tape. Feel free to (nicely) shame the racer who did it.

Course Changers: You will be changing the course Saturday night to suit the race on Sunday. If you signed up here you know what to do.