Our Pigeon Road Road Race went off with only minor hitches and it was only thanks to the efforts of all of you that it was able to happen as smoothly as it did!

Club Updates:

  1. You all felt very strongly about the top 2 jersey options so we are putting it out to vote one more time. Your choices are now only option 1 or option 4. https://forms.gle/suMfTrcvR3U7S5Z78

  2. Check out pictures of Pigeon Lake Road Race this weekend here: https://www.picdrop.com/stefanritterphoto/BgKfowyACg 

Racing Updates:

  1. Congratulations to Jakob this weekend with his second place at our race.

  2. Next race coming up is Canadian Nationals and the associated Urban Fondo: check it out here: https://www.donorthevents.ca/edmonton-urban-fondo - keep your eyes peeled for the in-person Canadian Nationals watch party! 

  3. ERTC’s Try Racing Program is back this year. Want to start racing this year? This is where you start! Intake is limited so read and sign up here: https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=32008

  4. The Croken Classic Registration is open! Read more here: https://www.ertc.org/crokenclassic 

Ride Updates:

  1. AQHI continues to make us sad. 7 or up we cancel :( 


  1. All day-to-day club communication takes place on slack - you can join here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-1t5qvezds-JotWB~e_EJcXrD9NArQarA on slack you can find out about upcoming events, access various chat areas and hang out with other club members! 

  2. All ride planning and updates happen on Strava. Don’t know what that is? Learn more here: https://www.ertc.org/joining-strava if you know what that is, then the link to our strava is here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/ertc - you will need to ask to join and I will let you in once I cross reference you with the membership list. It is highly recommended that you RSVP on strava so that we can plan for an appropriate amount of ride leaders and a suitable route for the group size. 

  3. Midweek racing is back after a 4 year long hiatus. More information and sign-up here: https://www.emrcracing.com/ ERTC has a volunteer commitment in order to participate, but when our dates come up we will put out a call for volunteers. 

  4. Have a friend who isn’t sure about joining? They can sign the trial waiver here: https://zone4.ca/register.asp?id=31901 for 1 free ride. The ride can be any ride, but a heads up to the ride leader would be appreciated.

  5. We have ironed out details with our NEW SPONSOR, Healthcare Solutions. Healthcare Solutions is your one stop home medical, wellness, and rehab store. If you wish to purchase anything online, use ERTC15 at checkout, and if you wish to buy in store, just say you’re with ERTC to receive a 15% discount off any regular priced items. Check them out here: https://healthcaresolutions.ca/