Hey everyone, it's a weekly update! As if I would send you an email for any other reason right ;) 

The Pigeon Lake Road Race went off without any major hitches or crashes, adding an important event to the road scene we have in Alberta. A huge thank you to all of the volunteers that came through and showed up to help out, you really know how to give a guy a few grey hairs in the process! I can’t thank you all enough for how many people showed up and helped us put on an awesome event. 

Club Updates:

  1. L’Etape goes this weekend, we have several club members going to it. Use the slack channel https://edmontonroada-7u36621.slack.com/archives/C03L83N8LCC to organize meet-ups!

  2. Cross is coming! Not quite yet but we will be looking to switch over Tuesdays to cross based intervals and skill sessions. I’ll let you all know when that happens. 

  3. Our School of Cross Race is on September 18, and we will need volunteers for that. Closer to the event we will have a volunteer signup for that.

  4. Our Croken Classic Gravel Fondo is on October 9, and we will need volunteers for that. Closer to the event we will have a volunteer signup for that.

  5. Friendly reminder to join slack here: https://join.slack.com/t/edmontonroada-7u36621/shared_invite/zt-r9cz31ub-0OIcKY_Ow33BJCw_yyAQCg

  6. Friendly reminder to join strava for all ride updates: https://www.strava.com/clubs/ertc

Ride Updates:

  1. We tend to see a dip in attendance in August - reverse hills are likely to not go, but continue to switch to reverse hills if you see that the forward one has more than 10 people.